Unfortunately the long range weather forecast isn't looking very promising at the moment!
In the event that photography does not take place on the 22nd of October, I have set aside Sunday the 23rd of October and Saturday the 26th of November. I may be able to offer other dates as well, but these are definite options at this stage.
You will have the option to re-schedule or request a refund.
If I need to contact you or cancel your session in the 24 hours before your time slot, I will do so via the mobile phone number that you provided when booking. Likewise, if you need to contact me or cancel in the 24 hours before your booking, please contact me by phone.
My contact number was sent to you in an email with the subject title: Upcoming Photography Session & Rebecca’s phone number
Please note, I prefer emails at all other times. If I don’t answer your call, please leave a detailed message.
Wet weather
You will be notified the day before if all sessions are to be cancelled due to definite wet weather predictions.
Where the forecast is for intermittent rain, the photo day will still go ahead, however individual sessions may end up needing to be cancelled.
Please turn up for your session, as we may get a lucky break in the weather when you arrive. If it is too wet for your session to go ahead, we can discuss alternative arrangements.
I appreciate that it is very inconvenient to get dressed for a session that may not take place. The reality is that re-scheduling may also prove tricky, so let’s give it our best shot to stick to this booking date.
When you arrive
Please arrive at least 5 minutes early for your session and wait in the playground area.
I will meet you there, or another family will have finished their session and advise you to head to where I am in the park.
What to bring
I will aim to snap some candid photos as soon as I see you, so come along as empty handed as possible. I will have a bag that you can put your keys and phones in if need be (that will be kept on me, or close by). I will also have tissues and wipes available along with a basic first aid kit.
Priority Shots
If you have a specific photography need to fill, please advise me at the start, or if your request is more detailed, please email me 24 hours in advance. Perhaps you have a specific frame and need to make sure a family photo is oriented the right way. Maybe you absolutely MUST have a photo of just the parents, or Mum with the kids, or you’d really love a nice shot of the children on their own. Otherwise, these are the configurations I will be aiming to take during the session in order of priority. Feel free to let me know if something is not important to you (i.e., individual shots) and you prefer I just give you lots of variations on the whole family shot!
Fast 5-minute session: Whole family shot only (Not much flexibility to do more than this in this session).
Mini 10-minute session: Whole family, Mum and kids, Dad and kids, Children all together.
Standard 20-minute session: Whole family, Mum and kids, Dad and kids, children all together, individual portraits of children, parents as a couple if requested.
I will take any candid shots that present for all sessions as well, but in terms of directing the shots these are what we will aim to achieve, time permitting. It will also be dependent on the children’s level of co-operation, so make sure I start with what is most important to you!
What to wear
Honestly, the easiest way to work out your preferred aesthetic is to google ‘family photography’ and scroll through the images! What looks good to you? Perhaps consider what colours suit the place you want to display the photos in your home? Keep in mind that our sessions take place in a natural environment (gum trees, green grass, earthy paths, timber fences).
My other suggestion is to start with the person who has the most limited clothing options and then co-ordinate everyone else outfits to compliment what they will wear. (The special dress that Mum looks amazing in is also a good place to start)!
Avoid ‘photo uniforms’ you don’t need to all wear the same thing
Keep it neutral – this is an easy way to go if you’re not confident co-ordinating outfits. Block colours or light tones are easy to work with. Personally, I think pictures and logos on clothing can be a distraction and also date a photo. However, they may be meaningful to you. The choice is yours!
Be comfortable – you want to create natural moments with your family, avoid being distracted by clothing that you feel uncomfortable and awkward in.
Please remember that we are photographing in a natural environment. I will be mindful of dangers such as snakes, but please look out for your family’s safety as well.